OSS Education

Who We Are

OSS Education provides quality material and ethical support for vocational training and tertiary education. We aim to develop competency and resilience of students and trainees in the context of a rapidly changing world. Our services are grounded in the value of diversity and the importance of freedom of expression as these are critical to our ability to adapt. OSS Education was set up to support organisations and individuals intent on providing compliant and effective facilitation of learning. We are experts in the use of new forms of communication and new technologies and look forward to helping you make sense of the world and act upon it in an open and ethical way.


OSS Education provides quality material and ethical support for vocational training and tertiary education. We aim to develop competency and resilience of students and trainees in the context of a rapidly changing world. Our services are grounded in the value of diversity and the importance of freedom of expression as these are critical to our ability to adapt. OSS Education was set up to support organisations and individuals intent on providing compliant and effective facilitation of learning. We are experts in the use of new forms of communication and new technologies and look forward to helping you make sense of the world and act upon it in an open and ethical way.

Dr Van Osselaer

My career covers Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, Teaching and Learning Consulting and Management Consulting. My area of research is Semiotics, including how we make sense of texts and acquire knowledge.

Existential Complexity

Existential Complexity

Give Us Signs

Give Us Signs


OSS Education provides quality material and ethical support for vocational training and tertiary education. We aim to develop competency and resilience of students and trainees in the context of a rapidly changing world. Our services are grounded in the value of diversity and the importance of freedom of expression as these are critical to our ability to adapt. OSS Education was set up to support organisations and individuals intent on providing compliant and effective facilitation of learning. We are experts in the use of new forms of communication and new technologies and look forward to helping you make sense of the world and act upon it in an open and ethical way.


OSS Education designs, modifies, and supports teaching material for both face-to-face and online implementations. We cover material for both Higher Education (HD) and Vocational Education and Training (VET). For Higher Education we bring expertise in graduate and post-graduate studies. For Vocational Training we cover material from Certificate level upward. We work closely with client institutions and their staff, aiming for relevance to the specific needs of their student/trainee population. Samples of our work are not finite but provided as examples of our commitment to compliance and quality.

Higher Education (HD)

OSS Education designs, modifies, and supports teaching material for both face-to-face and online implementations for Higher Education (HD). As examples of our commitment to compliance and quality we include here two samples from a Business Communication unit: a PowerPoint Session and an Assignments Brief.

PowerPoint Session

PowerPoint Session

Assignments Brief

Assignments Brief

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

OSS Education designs, modifies, and supports teaching material for both face-to-face and online implementations for Vocational Education and Training (VET). As examples of our commitment to compliance and quality we include here two samples from the BSBCMM411 Make Presentations unit (Commonwealth of Australia 2023): a PowerPoint Session and an Assessment booklet.

PowerPoint Session

PowerPoint Session

Assessment Booklet

Assessment Booklet

Our Methodology


Quality in education and training is critical to our communities. The essential agent in learning is the learner. The fundamental element of teaching and training is the provision of an environment enabling the acquisition of knowledge and skills. This environment cannot focus on one set of ‘flavour of the day’ values. It must be open and critical. It must encourage diversity and use difference as a resource to support the ability to act effectively in accordance with the ethics of duty in a dynamic world. Adaptation is necessary for learners to be ready to play their part in survival and progress.

An Approach

The OSS Education approach to teaching practice is grounded in the facilitation of learning. It is about teaching to motivate and inspire students to learn.
An Approach


We support online as well as face-to-face delivery and can help design and support units with a significant asynchronous component.


OSS Education develops and promotes education techniques and materials designed to equip learners with the ability to address the unexpected in a world in turmoil. OSS Education is not about a limited commerce of certificates and degrees but about supporting the acquisition of critical knowledge. We condemn the acceptance of plagiarism, collusion, and other forms of cheating. Education and training are about providing guidance and governance. We aim to help learners to succeed by providing material, systems, and support relevant to their emerging needs. We aim to assist educators who intent to stand their ground to support quality teaching and training.


Reframing is about changing perspectives. It is about changing the frame of reference by which we make sense of information. Reframing involves removing barriers...
An Approach


The OSS Education approach encourages questioning of ideologies in the view of facts and figures, in the view of pragmatic analysis of the world as it evolves. To assist with the questioning, at OSS Education we propose the use of tradition on the one hand and the emergence of the new on the other. We encourage individuals to stand up for their beliefs while recognising the critical value of diversity. We argue for the need to accept difference as a source of solutions to emerging problems. We propose that institutions must aim to support community development.


Compliance assists in making decisions with a view to a constructive outcome. For education to be relevant to the needs of learners and the community, it must comply with the essence of acquisition of skills and knowledge. Compliance must prevent academic malpractice and commercial expediency. Compliance must support the social purpose of education. It cannot be about virtue signalling and propaganda but must encourage free speech and critical thinking.
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OSS Education